Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

This Post is Ash Fox Approved.

I had never given Ash eggs before. I give them to my boxers all the time, which is good for their fur. Since they love them I figured Ash might down them as well.

I usually never serve (yes serve) him dinner warm. If its any form of meat (other than his hotdogs) its usually cooked the night before, and cut up for him when he stops by. So not only was he getting a new dinner, but it was also a new temperature.

While I filled his dish he sat and waited, came over to me to give me a sniff before he checked out his dinner and then proceeded. Not used to something being slightly warm he quickly grabbed it and dropped it from his mouth. Then he did something I haven't seen him do- stuck out his tongue.

I tell you in all honesty- I am in love with this little friend.

He quickly grabbed his dinner and scoffed it down- being sure to pick out the hotdog pieces first. I do believe I heard all the chickens sigh in unison upon hearing that Ash wasn't overly impressed with their eggs.

He ate half- like he usually does, and came back a couple hours later to finish the rest. While we sit outside and chat with him he listens. Recognizing his whistle now, and ears shifting towards us when we say his name. The words "c'mon," also have some meaning to him as well. He see's our cars lights in the driveway when we get home from somewhere and comes to the drivers door to greet us. While we walk to our steps he gets a sniff of the car and follows. If his dish isn't filled yet and we are unloading the car of groceries or whatnots- he follows us back and forth from the car, and sits, wrapping his tail around him, and watches.

Who knew that this little animal can light up the night for us so much.

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