Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Some Poultry Pages.

Heres the ducks new digs!  Basically its just a horse trough,  that they will probably outgrow within a week- yikes.  Jase the sweetest duckling is not progressing as much as the other gremlins though.....I'm hoping he/she is ok- eats and drink plenty, just noticeably smaller.

Hildago and Miss Muma.
Saturday=day off.  Beautiful weather, and we were working outside, so the girls were safe to have a run at the yard.   Luckily NO hawks were present and the boys did an AMAZING job at keeping everyone safe and together.
The coop was cleaned this weekend- a two day affair- cause shit gets heavy man.... (really chicken poop is wicked heaby and we blasted the coop with a hose and a leaf blower to give it its spring cleaning. Washed the floor new hay, restrung feed, cleaned nesting boxes, and even cleaned the roost.)  Here are the ladies hopping in and out of the nesting boxes while Mr. Bohanan surveys the situation.

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