Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Friday, April 12, 2013

and in for the change up.

Rainy day but loving it.  They are outgrowing the pool quickly. 

SO theres been a slight change of plans....

Name plans.

The more the ducks grow and the personalities shine thru, I've come to the conclusion of a name change amoungst three of them.

Silas will stay Si:)   Who by the way, is a very sweet gal.  Low clucks, listens to you, seems to really like David when he talks.  

As for the other three.
Hang with me for a sec-

The two Pekings (whit ducks) were Willie and Phil.  Because the Runner (the scrappy looking one) was the skinniest- that was Jase.

here's the change.

The Runner is now Phil.  My guess is that 80% sure its a drake.  He has a low whispy call, is pretty lazy, and yet - never turns down food if coming out of my hand.  He chatters when the others talk but that's about it.   

Willie (the Peking) is still Willie.  The CEO of the four for sure.  Everyone follows her (81% sure its a hen) and is still the biggest- talks a bunch and is a nervous gal.  (Also since is most likely a hen I think its kinda funny that this one is Willie:)  my apologies again Willie Roberston.....)

The Peking (formerly known as Phil) is now Jase.  The "smaller," Peking, who chatters a bunch.  Might be a drake?  And tends to go his/her own way when I'm taking them for a walk.

It just all seemed more appropriate to me.

So if they are hens I'll call them boy names?  Yup.

Might just add a Ms. in front of the names.

Feel like you wasted your time reading this when you could have been catching up on politics, world crisis' and Perez Hilton?

Probably did.