This title is not to make light of things.
But the broody Mommas eggs didn't make it.
I was sick to my stomach.
But as the years go on doing this sort of "work," the more prepared your heart becomes for disappointment. (but as the years go on- it does not break any less for the actual disappointment)
SO --- The eggs were rotten.
You could smell it.
Having dealt with rotten eggs under a broody hen before I knew that they had the potential of exploding.
So as my brother and sister in law watched (eventually in horror)
Take them out from broodyboo
I chucked them.
Not too far though
Cause I wanted to see at what stage of development that these chicks might have been in.
BOOM again-
The eggs explode as I chuck.
So I go and check out the egg that "dropped."
Crack its shell
Lo and behold
a chick.
Gasp. Gasp. Gasp.
And pass.
As my brother and sister in law watch.
( so sorry guys-- I was NOT expecting any kind of chick.)
SO what happened.
there was a chick - that was developed.
But not fully.
The chick should have been at breaking point of getting out of the shell. (which it was not)
It should have been "peeping."
It should have been cracking the shell on its own.
There was plenty of yolk still left.
There was poop in the shell(yes poop)
There was a chick not fully there yet
and the poor little thing was days passed its "due date."
So did I kill it-
I feel like I did.
But as the other eggs burst open (some with chicks long gone and stinking pretty bad) I knew this one had no chance.
But that does not make me feel any better about it.
A life is a life.
A heartbeat a heartbeat.
A chick is a chick
A baby is a baby.
As far as Momma- she sat on an empty nest for all of fifteen minutes.
I grabbed twelve more eggs and gave them to her.
I did not "stick," them under her
But instead "asked," if she wanted them-
She excepted them all.
Gently rolled them and tucked them, as she clucked.
What happened to the other clutch??
Your guess as good as mine.
temp? first time momma? one bad rotten egg? young rooster ? Who knows.
But there is a second chance.
So we will see if this clutch hatches.
I pray they do-
On other farm stuff notes-
The bees are in. Yea!!!!
We got the new batch of chickens!!! (yea again!)
The old hens are still with us!!!! (((((shhhhhh---- don't tell David but YEAAAAAAAA!!)
and it was our daughters first birthday --- (amazing yea<3)
(can't believe she is one)
The ducks are good- and ooooh so sweet. I love watching their agenda. We definitely have three hens out of the bunch and Phil is the only male. Prettttttty excited about that!
SO that all I have for tonight-.
I like your updates. :)
ReplyDeleteAlso, happy birthday Rev!!!