God spelled backwards is dog.
I'm sure you've heard this before, or perhaps said it outloud, in one of those profound outloud musings. And then, its usually followed up by someones "me monster," "out smarting you," by saying. "yah well, Racecar spelled backwards is still racecar."
But have you actually ever really thought deep about it?
I have.
But I'm weird (much established by now)
Its one of those curious musings.
Think about it.
What IS God?
God is:
He is open arms
There when you need Him
To mop up your tears
To make you smile
To love, love, love you (yes you) no matter what wrong you have done, or how bad of a day you had, how ugly you might feel, or whatever you have failed at.
No matter what.
God loves you.
So think about it.
How are dogs much different?
They say dogs are a mans best friend. (Man used as a broad term, broad used in the correct sense- don't none of you unshaven, fems come at me for saying that)
Here its stated on Wikipedia:
"Dogs' value to early human hunter-gatherers led to them quickly becoming ubiquitous across world cultures. Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting, herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military, companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals. This impact on human society has given them the nickname "Man's Best Friend"
Dogs were put here on earth to love and hang out with you. Be your buddy. Go on adventures. Cuddle on the couch. Lick your face when you least expect it. And make you laugh just being themselves.
Dogs are really awesome creatures.
If you own a dog, you just get so used to them being there. Your house seems warmer. There is someone always waiting for you to come home. They are happy no matter what to see you. They follow you were ever you go. They don't want you out of their sight. They bark at danger, and jump in excitement when friends stop by. They yearn for YOUR attention. They love you, and in their eyes you can do no wrong. As I type this my two buddies are sitting and waiting for my husband to get home. They know that since I put wood on the fire to get the house warm for him, that he will be home soon. So they sit. Wait. Eagerly anticipating when their master will get back. They've waited all day just to see him.
So lets get back to how God is like mans best friend.
In the so many ways that your dog loves JUST you- even at your absolute possible worst. SO does God.
Have you ever sat and cried only to have your dog sit on your lap, whimper in what seems an understanding, and lick your face to cheer you up?
Have you ever sat and cried- prayed- and had relief fill your heart? Opened the Bible to see a passage you swear was written just for you? Ever possibly thought that Jesus went thru what I'm going thru?
If you don't own a dog, they are a good investment.
And if you've never read a Bible thats a pretty good investment too.
I believe God is so wonderfully creative that He put dogs on this earth to gives us just a taste of His representation. Love, forgiveness, and open pawed acceptance.
side note:
What sparked this muse?
The past couple days I have been watching my dog Indie (who is in love with my daughter) dote and dote over her. ....She races up the stairs to see her. Greets her in the mornings with warm kisses, and knows how to jump around just before her bedtime to cause Reveille to laugh to the point of getting tuckered out. There is a bond there that I had nothing to do with. This bond is all them. Its theirs personally. And it got me thinking about that kind of love. There will be no back talking. No judgements. No bad days for Indie. They won't backstab each other like friends have done in the past. There will be no gossip. No slander on each others part. Reveille can be herself and Indie will be there to love her. Reveilles secrets will stay safe with Indie. Where dogs succeed, people fail. It made me think about our God. How loving He is. How He forgave me. How He changed my life. And how blessed I truly am to have Him to be my guide.
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