Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Monday, February 11, 2013

The pressure.

This is for the new Moms who feel a bit under the inspectors light. Everyone watching waiting for you to "mess up," so they can come in and "tell you how to do it."

Being a new Mom means there are alot of pressures to deal with.

There was alot of pressure to deal with when you are pregnant but that's different.
That's mostly on the bladder.

But as a new Mom I'm learning everyday.

And the one thing I've learned is that the pressure "to be, what others think you ""should,"" be," is way too heavy.

As I sit and type my daughter plays with her brand new saxophone toy.  She JUST got done figuring out how to eat a grilled cheese sandwich that I took a good fifteen minutes on to make "just perfect, " for her. She laughs at certain commercials on tv and because I chuckle at her enthusiasm- she laughs harder.

The chickens are out back. The birds are flying to all the birdfeeders in the yard.  Millions of squirrels doing squirrel things.  The pond is losing its ice.  Hay needs to be spread. Vegetable gardens need to be planned. Laundry needs to be done. Floors need to be washed for our crawling curious girl.

There is no where else I'd rather be.

A few weeks ago "we got out," for a night.  It was our anniversary.  We had a good time together and kept it simple. Got some burgers and saw a friend play at his show.  We kept it simple.

That's our life now.
And I tell you even though that's what we choose. And tahts what we love. There are still some people that feel the need to encourage us to get out more, have a good time, be social, find a babysitter, get away from your daughter and take a break.

You know what-

There is no where else we'd rather be.

 "Don't you need to get out? We do!?" They ask?  "Don't you miss hanging out with alllll your friends?" "What do you mean you couldn't make it to said event, last week because your child was up all night cutting four teeth?"  "You mean to say you haven't been to church in awhile?" "You must not be spiritually well."

All of these questions and heavy laden suggestions to do what they feel is right- for you- is something to shake off.

Shake it off.

There is an order.
husband or wife
then children.

if theres room for more than so be it.
But once again what is "more," looks different for each couple.

I appreciate the need friends might feel they have to share of the importance of having time together as husband and wife.  And friends mean well- I know that. I very much know that.
But that looks different for each couple. And very different for new parents.
After going thru the bedtime routine each night together as a family, and then sitting on the couch to crash and watch a movie- just me and David, while our daughter is full and content sleeping  in her crib. I am happy. My heart is full.  I can't find room for going out in a barroom crawl. I don't have room for social events consisting of twentyfive million other people. Dance clubs just don't suit us.  Wearing heels so high I can't have a good time isn't me anymore.  We like Tractor Supply Sundays. Not Friday night booze fest.

Days end we are tired from work. Excited about spring plans. Content with spending the last half hour catching up with family on the phone. In love with our NEW life, and not missing the past one.

As a Christian re-birth, is not something I take lightly.  With the birth of Reveille we have awakened in a new way, and feel so blessed to be where we are.

So to the new Moms out there- whether your brand new, or old new.... You just do you.

Don't give into the pressures to be "your old self," if thats not you anymore.  Times will come in the future where you will look back and miss those days of sleepless nights, but knowing EXCATLY where your child is.  Whats important is not all the things you can add to your daily routine, but all the memories you make with this new life you have been entrusted to care for.  Being social to me means something totally different than it did a year ago. And I love this new "social."

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