Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Friday, October 7, 2011

And this, our life, exempt from public haunt, finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, sermons in stones, and good in everything.

THE sun was up so high when I waked that I judged it was after eight o’clock. I laid there in the grass and the cool shade thinking about things, and feeling rested and ruther comfortable and satisfied. I could see the sun out at one or two holes, but mostly it was big trees all about, and gloomy in there amongst them. There was freckled places on the ground where the light sifted down through the leaves, and the freckled places swapped about a little, showing there was a little breeze up there. A couple of squirrels set on a limb and jabbered at me very friendly.

Two things have happened since last week-
One- the bee's are gonna make it
Two- Ash came back

So since my last post about the bee's things have done a sort of 180. Ok maybe not that much maybe like a 123.  You see, I can get PRETTY sentimental and overly sensitive about things that have fur or feathers. (Yup! Bee's got fur!) And after seeing all THAT damage in the hives upon my last visit I was pretty wounded. To recap (shortly) they had everything that could possibly go wrong with bee's go wrong with them. Short of a meteor falling on them but more on that later.
I checked the bee's on a Friday and the beekeeping supplier (and friendly mentor )was not open till Sunday. If you read the last post I was going to go to his store and seek out a non chemical beetle trap and some advice as to what to do about the bee's with withered wings.  When I went in on Sunday I asked him a question minus a hello. I said " Name something that can go wrong with a beehive." He answered, "A meteor could fall on it." I replied- "It hasn't yet but don't count it out." Then we got even more serious. I told him about the hive beetles as if I was confessing to having a bad case of projectile vomiting in public and he told me,"welcome to the club." Apparently, if you reside in the great Old Line State and possess beehives in your yard you will then seek and find hive beetles in them. -Simple equation intercedes- Beetle Traps. A cute little plastic container that clips onto any frame in the hive. Fill with mineral oil (don't drink it unless you want the green apple splatters) and put it in the hive. The beetles are attracted to the oil, and jump there merry way in only to find that the oil is ....not so merry after all.
As for the withered wings. " I have mites." Not me personally but the sweet golden gals. Once again a common thing for this here area. Ok. So, how does one treat them? Chemicals indeed. Ugh. Comes to find out though that the chemicals DO NOT harm the bee's, honey, or you. But instead fumigate the mites which will kill them. left untreated and the bee's will perish. 
Both hives treated. And will check them in one week.
As for our handsome little red coat.
He's back in full furred glory. And my oh my does he look good! 
It seems his meds have worked. He is less bony, full of fur, and his eyes are SO bright. Not only has our little friend returned and made a appearance, but he seems to have comeback with confidence as well.
For the last month he has been pretty sporadic in his comings. I'd leave food out and it might sit for three days. The rain didn't help much either (seemingly that he doesn't show up if its raining) but I was getting the feeling that our buddy has moved on and was looking for a mate. We could hear him barking in the woods and David spotted him down the street numerous times. But his steady nightly visits seemed to be a summer time memory.
Until Wednesday.
David was out around seven when it was just getting dark finishing up the lawn mowing, when up the driveway Ash comes! He sat at the steps waited for David to come over and then waited as David went inside to get him some food. When david came out he fed him some hotdogs and Ash just hung around. 
Needing to finish the yardwork David got back on the mower and Ash followed! Jumping in front of the lawn mower and hanging out!
Thursday night- seven thirty we are getting ready to run to the store and were actually talking about Ash when we walk to the door and there he is sitting at the steps waiting.
My heart gets as red as his coat.
And just tonight I sat outside with him feeding him his favorite. Admiring the beauty of this creature and the wonderful markings he carries.
He is stunning. So vibrant red with eyes to match. Black mouth with black boots. White tipped tail and whit on his ears. What a creature God has made!
My friends I encourage you- read the quote above again and again and again. Go outside tomorrow and look around. Think of whats happening beyond the concrete. Look at what is alive beside yourself. Breath, smell, feel the world. Grass is green right now, skies are brilliant, squirrels are storing up for winter. Corn is being cut for next years feed, horses are reveling in the sunny weather and lack of flies. Birds are cheerful and proud of the young who are now on their own, the trees have decorated themselves in a glorious show they have been working on since the birth of their green in the spring! Can you not see this? Do you not realize what life is doing whether or not you got your morning latte? If you cannot have the eyes to see the beauty that is.... I am sorry for you. Life is so much more than your own little world! How refreshing is it to step outside and be part of it!


  1. "Look at what is alive beside yourself." Beautiful. You have such a way with words Lauren. I very much enjoy, and look forward to reading your "take" on the world, nature, and all the gifts we sometimes take for granted. ♥

  2. Thanks Noelle!!! I'ma jus babblin:) Thanks Nicole:) :) :)
