Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Friday, March 16, 2012

Another lesson learned in pregnancy....

Another lesson was learned yesterday about being pregnant. It was to never post anything on facebook, unless you want some un-helpful information and opinions thrown at you.

Now granted, there are some REALLY, REALLy nice comments sent your way, some great support, and even prayers said that you didn't ask for.  But all it takes is that one person to say that one un-helpful comment that can really ruin the rest.

Yesterday I found out that I have gestational diabetes.

Now before the assumptions begin about me eating ice cream 24/7 and gummi worms for dessert, let me explain.

Since becoming pregnant I have never eaten better in my entire life.  My only sweet tooth consisted of ice cream pre pregnancy, which luckily went away when I became pregnant.  I gave up SO many foods that even are "considered ok," while being pregnant just because I no longer viewed my body as my own.  I exsercise no less than three times a week, for no less than an hour each time.  Not only have I gained a belly bump- but muscles where muscles didn't exsist before.  I am not an over weight individual, I eat a salad for dinner ever night, and have gained the pin point amount of weight I am supposed to.  There is nothing you can do to prevent it- and sometimes you get it because its luck of the draw.

So why did my blood sugar test out of whack, during a glucose intolerance test?

Your guess is as good as mine.

But a opinionated word of advisement.

If you see a pregnant lady, please don't automatically share what you have on your mind about her image. Don't advise her about subject matter that you heard a friend of a similar situation go through, but you yourself know nothing about. Don't automatically assume she does nothing but watch Lifetime, and eat ice cream while weeping. Your stories- are sometimes very hurtful.

Be kind.

She is carrying a miracle from God. Whatever way this little miracle gets here is the way the miracle was supposed to come.
Whether its natural, with drugs up the wazoo- or  dududuuuuu!!! The "dreaded," C- section (gasp?!) Let that miracle come. Don't coax the mother into what you think "is right." Because above your opinion and advice- is God and His story He wrote for Mother and Child.

Please don't say anything- unless you have something nice to say.

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