Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Other things I'm learning being a Mommy.

Your baby is unique.

Your Motherhood is unique.

Google is the devil.

Trust your newly developed Motherhood instinct.

Trust that you now have one.

Yes- you- can comfort the little one.

All other Moms have opinions. Some are real useful, some are not. The useful ones only come from your Mom, your Step Mom and your Mother in Law.

The Moms who say they lost all their baby weight by two weeks post partum are the moms who craft, and enjoy angel food cake on a summer evening.  They also are freaks of nature.

You can now bend over!

You cannot do most things while carrying your sweet pea.

You don't really want to put your sweet pea down.

You can fall asleep standing.

You now laugh hartily (on the inside) for anyone who says "they didn't sleep well last night. and or "are tired."

You end up smelling like your baby. And its the best smell in the world.

You will find spit up in your hair....hours later.....

You can bend over?!

People do put you into another category. First your single. Then you get married, making you a double, but now your a triple. Its a whole new club.

Being in the triples club has a secret language.

A baby thats up for 5 hours straight and is cranky is not a colicky baby. She's just having a bad day. Yes babies have bad days, and thats ok. You have bad days too, and thats ok.

When your baby sleeps for three hours and you have finished all you wanted to do around the find yourself hoping she will wake up cause you miss her.

Walks outside for fresh air is the best. For you and for her.

The whole "sleep when the baby sleep," is a load of crap. Its more like "brush your teeth and eat something when the baby sleeps."

Its not important how your baby is fed. Whether its bottle or Mommy pillows, as long as her belly is full and she knows she is loved then your doing right. Not being able to breast feed or having to supplement on top of breast feeding does not make you a failure. But most other Moms will tend to make you feel like one anyway. You don't need that.

You still love your dogs. Alot.

Trying new things each day is rewarding when they work. Like putting your sweetness into a swing, or having her sleep on her tummy.

Your job may be hard, but your baby's job is even harder. Everything requires so much work on their part and the only way they can communicate is thru crying. Thats tough stuff.

Seeing her with Daddy melts your heart.

You finally realize just how much your parents love you.

Her smile makes the world brighter....