Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Things I'm learning While Being a Mommy.

You will never need an alarm clock. Unless you have somewhere to go in the afternoon.
Going somewhere, even three miles down the street will need AT LEAST four hours of prep work.
A shower is something to be valued, even if its five minutes long.
Cleaning has become prioritized.
The amount of "things," you can do in a hour nap is stunning.
Waiting for "Mom arms," is something you need patience for.
Talking about poop has never been better or more fun.
Talking about your boobs has never been so open and everyone else's business!
"The cows are rarely in the barn."  (get it?)
There is no good daytime TV.
When you eat is when baby wakes up.
Pregnancy brain does not go away. Embrace your stupidity, and revel in it.
Makeup can be applied one handed.

Seeing that gummy grin when a sleepy baby first wakes up and see you- there's nothing better.


  1. All so true! Love it Lauren. So thankful to get do this mom stuff "with" you over the miles and interwebs :)

  2. You are a very wise Mom for being a "newbie". It takes most Moms at least 2 babies before they attain such wisdom:)

  3. Michelle- agreed! I like to check in on your facebook:) Your ability to be so poetic about Motherhood is just awesome to me:) Momma Farr- your too kind. I should have included that all info learned has been obtained from mom in Law! Christina- thank you:)
