Glory Downs Farm

Glory Downs Farm

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lessons from a Fox.....again.

A sleepy-eyed Ash showed up at the doorstep tonight around five.  Its always nice seeing him just before it gets dark to get a good look at him and his coat.  He clearly had just woken up because he proceeded to use our driveway as a nice place to stretch, yawn, and open his eyes.

I grabbed some old corned beef deli meat that has been brewing in our fridge to give him. I figured the option of something other than Walmart hotdogs might be palatable for him on this windy night. As his slumbered self moseyed on over, he took a bite and walk a couple feet away.

He dropped it in the driveway and came back for more.

Smelling what was in the dish (and I think finally waking up due to the smell) he walked away and back over to the piece that he had dropped.

He ate it- loudly.

As if it was a child trying spinach for the first time- (get that visual)

Looked at me.

Then trotted away.

He has yet to come back tonight.

Lesson learned. Ash is not Irish.

How dare I insult his heritage with a poor mans Irish dinner. And since I am from Massachusetts I have conducted a calculation which leads me to believe that Ash is Italian. Because if you are NOT Irish- you must be Italian...... My Massachusetts friends will understand this calculation.

Menu tomorrow night: Walmart Hotdogs. Possibly lasagna.

On a brighter note my friend Sam pointed out that Ash, no doubt, is a Red Sox fan.
This made my night.


  1. Haha. If he's not Irish, he's Italian. Clearly. And no doubt he's a Sox fan. :)

  2. I mean he has to be....his favorite color is red. It just works.
